Latest editions
International Prize for Printmaking – Edition 2014

onomatopée, IMasaharu Imamiya
From UndergroundMasaharu Imamiya
UntitledMasaharu Imamiya
onomatopée, IIMasaharu Imamiya
GOLD ON GOLDcolette cleeren
DOUBLE THE TROUBLE IIcolette cleeren
RESONANCE ROOM IIcolette cleeren
RESONANCE ROOM Icolette cleeren
SKerson - Claire and her DidgeridooSamuel Kerson
SKerson - Danse VoltigeSamuel Kerson
SKerson - Dragon Dance TheatreSamuel Kerson
SKerson - Picking figsSamuel Kerson
Le foie grasThierry Mortiaux
Noces orientalesThierry Mortiaux
Le doudouThierry Mortiaux
Couple en étéThierry Mortiaux
MongolfièreDominique Declerck
L'atelier.Pierre PHILIPPE
StoofAris Engel
radiographie n° 11Sandra Baud
La chairGuy Langevin
smoking big cigarsNick Vandersyppe
Tre Case, II.Sandro Bracchitta
OmbrellesDominique Declerck
Untilled -5kamruzzaman kamruzzaman
Tea timeSabine Delahaut
The riverGeerten Sterk
Overgrown GreenhouseJames Albon
Nuit d'évocation en Afriquejean-françois Jullien-Clement
L'Antre de la ManteSabine Delahaut
Tre Case.Sandro Bracchitta
Le rendez-vous galantSabine Delahaut
radiographie n° 8Sandra Baud
Beckerich - EtangPascal Jaminet
'Dog House'Colin Gillespie
Mountains beyond mountains #1Geerten Sterk
stackedNick Vandersyppe
Révolte amazoniennejean-françois Jullien-Clement
radiographie n° 10Sandra Baud
Inception IIICleo Wilkinson
radiographie n° 12Sandra Baud
UntitledGeerten Sterk
Les privés de lumièrejean-françois Jullien-Clement
OmbrellesDominique Declerck
Windorgel VlissingenAris Engel
ash trail talesNick Vandersyppe
Dinsho Main StreetJames Albon
vogelrita riemaker
'The Show House'Colin Gillespie
Neve NeraSandro Bracchitta
In the Dutch mountainsGeerten Sterk
Parade's End: Tietjen's and SylviaJames Albon
Untitled -4kamruzzaman kamruzzaman
zt ( zonder titel)Aris Engel
torso'srita riemaker
GravitationPierre PHILIPPE
fix thisNick Vandersyppe
PontonPascal Jaminet
Parade's End: In the Attack!James Albon
Jane's gardenAris Engel
Tentations de Saint-Antoinejean-françois Jullien-Clement
complex -1kamruzzaman kamruzzaman
BecalmedCleo Wilkinson
Street art dans les ruinesPierre PHILIPPE
Water spiritsMaria Bray
bezoekersrita riemaker
Beckerich - VégétationsPascal Jaminet
complex -2kamruzzaman kamruzzaman
Le poids de l'ombreGuy Langevin
Cover girlSabine Delahaut
Perséphone aux enfersGuy Langevin
'Identity Crisis'Colin Gillespie
Echidna flightMaria Bray
ConstellationsPierre PHILIPPE
Echidna SpiritMaria Bray
'Bought off Plan'Colin Gillespie
FledglingCleo Wilkinson
Tre Fiori.Sandro Bracchitta
klasfotorita riemaker
Je serai ton ombreGuy Langevin
FougèresPascal Jaminet
MongolfièreDominique Declerck
MurmurCleo Wilkinson
The jury members

Marie Akar – FR
Born in Paris in 1962
After having completed a literary scholarship (preparatory years ‘hypokhâgne’ and ‘khâgne’), Marie Akar was assistant to the director of the cultural center Paris Art Center, located on Falguière street. She subsequently went to work for the architects office Brunet & Saunier. Upon graduation as Master of Arts and Culture (option Book trade), she collaborated to various publications of the magazine Art et métiers du livre (Éditions Faton), with focus on printmaking (articles written about Mohlitz, Didier Mutel, Francis Capdeboscq, Atelier Tugdual…) and contemporary bookbinding art. She currently is editor-in-chief of this magazine.

Roger Dewint – BE
Born in Brussels in 1942
Illustrator, engraver, book illustrator, Roger Dewint is an honorary professor of drawing and engraving at the Brussels Academy and a member of the Libre Académie Picard.
He holds several awards in Belgium, as well as abroad: Canada, United States, France, Spain, Greece, Macedonia.
With more than 60 solo and retrospective exhibitions in Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Mexico and Peru, he participates in some 130 biennials or triennials of engravings around the world.
Roger Dewint is also represented in more than 80 public collections or museums around the world.

André Simoncini – LU
Born in Luxembourg on February 21, in 1946
He is trained as a Translator-interpreter.
In 1981, he opened his first art gallery, specialising in printmaking, and launched a book collection with 27 works published to date. Today the Gallery is situated in a magnificent space in the heart of the city of Luxembourg, and while remaining faithful to the artists exhibited in its early stages, it now enables the public to discover the artists of South Asia.
André Simoncini has published a magazine called Echanges, edited the Nouvelle anthologie de la poésie nègre et malgache de langue française (New Anthology of Black and Malagasy Poetry) by Charles Carrère and Amadou Lamine Sall. He has organised matinées devoted to poetry and being a poet himself, he has published several collections of poetry. He is currently working on the events connected to the Poetry Festival in Luxembourg and has just launched a poetry collection in paperback format.

Gérard Sourd – FR
He is Honorary Head Curator, department of Prints and Photography at the National Library of France, Paris.
He was Editor-in-Chief of the magazine Nouvelles de l'estampe from 1990 to 2010.
He has been a member of the jury at numerous artistic events, including the Triennale of engraving in Chamalières, the Biennale of engraving and new images in Sarcelles, the Biennale of engraving in Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, the Michel Ciry Prize for engraving, the Prize for engraving of the Fondation Taylor, the Biennale of engraving of Liège,….
Exhibition Catalogue
For each edition, a catalog is produced in order to honor the work of the 25 laureates but also to thank the work of an entire team (members of the jury, members of the non-profit organization, partners, etc.). You can consult the catalog of this edition below.