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Water spirits

lino cut with embossed aluminium, hand coloured on magnani paper


Maria Bray

Born in Germany, escaped from the communist east and immigrated to Australia.
Trained as a printmaker, and also in textiles, and jewellery at North Adelaide School of Art.
Work has been exhibited in Tasmania, Melbourne, Canberra, Queensland, London, and Adelaide.
Have been a finalist in many major art awards and received arts grants for community projects.
When not working in printmaking my time is spent facilitating community art events.
The art work is influenced by my German inheritance and the ancientness of Australia, the imagery transcribes from european angelic forms to spirits of a timeless land.
Western spiritual forms of religion and mythology found in this body of work are metaphors describing thought forces of an ancient continent. Wind, moving across empty country, one hears the voice of beauty or the unseen.
One senses something, but what?
The water spirit image features the Murray Cod or Pondi (the aboriginal word), this fish inhabits Australia's mightiest waterway and has roots in ancient stories. In modern times it's become a vulnerable species.
The reoccurring theme of echidnas resulted from a time when I accidentally ran over and killed one. The trauma I felt was so powerful that now echidnas keep reappearing in my work.

Birthdate: 03/08/1948

Nationality: Australian

  • Group exhibition Barbican Concourse Gallery, London, 1996
  • Group exhibition National Archives, Canberra, Australia, 2008
  • Finalist for Waterhouse exhibition Museum of Adelaide 2004, 2006, 2008,
  • BMG ART, Adelaide South Au stralia, 1995, 1998, 2000
  • Salamanca Collection, Hobart, Tasmania Australia 1997,1996

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