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The hand rocked copper-plate mezzotint was printed by the artist on 300 gm Hahnemuhle paper. The two contiguous plates measuring 30 x 20 and 15 x 20.
The corals were engraved directly from life onto the copper.

60 x 36 cm

Judith Rothchild

Judith Rothchild received a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design (USA) in 1972. She then attended the Akademie fur Angewandte Kunst in Vienna before establishing her residence in the south of France. For thirty five years she worked principally in pastel, showing in France, Switzerland and Great Britain with nine one-person shows at the Francis Kyle Gallery in London.
In 1996 she started working in mezzotint and making artist's books. Her prints and books, published under the name of Editions Verdigris have been shown and collected internationally. She is an elected member of the Société des Peintres-Graveurs Français and has won prizes from the Fondation Taylor and the Académie des Beaux Arts in Paris.

Birthdate: 19/04/1950

Nationality: U.S.A

  • Galerie l'Echiquier, Paris 2016
  • Mission Gallery, California 2016
  • Print Bienial, Museum of Gravelines, France 2016
  • The Masters, Bankside Gallery, London 2016
  • Childs Gallery, Boston, USA 2016

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