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Don Quichotte bij vdAbsurdistan.


pieter lerooij

Lerooij Pieter (°04/10/1958) lives and works in the smal town Elverdinge (Ypres) in Belgium. He was educated in Free Graphicism at the St-Lucas institute in Ghent. A part from his activities as an etcher, he also works as a painter and restores paintings.
Even though his timeless works rarely depicts human faces, he succeeds in confronting us in a penetrating way with "being human". He stops us, makes us think. He creates more than just pictures, but confronts us with reality. Sometimes hard, other times with humour.
He draws the happy and the less happy that is anchored in our thinking.

Geboortedatum: 04/10/1958

Nationaliteit: belg

  • “Summer Exhibition” Royal Academy of Arts (Londen), 2017
  • Zillah Bell Gallery, Thirsk, Engeland, 2017
  • Graphical, international printmaking festival, Amsterdan, 2017
  • SCOUT 2020/2021, international exhibition, Kettinge, Denemarken, 2020
  • 2020 Galerie Heike Arndt,Mini Maxi print, Berlijn, 2020

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