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The engraving has been realized with Drypoint technique. The illustration was inspired by the novel written by Flannery O'Connor titled "Parker's back".
"He was already losing flesh – Sarah Ruth just threw food in the pot and let it boil. Not knowing for certain why he continued to stay with a woman who was both ugly and pregnant and no cook made him generally nervous and irritable, and he developed a little tic in the side of his face."

36 x 25 cm
Taille douce

margherita paoletti

Date de naissance : 24/06/1990

Nationalité : italian

Expositions :
  • Libreria Piccoloblu, Rovereto, 2105
  • Galleria 31-uno, Fabriano 2014
  • International Print Center New York, Commedia: new prints Autumn, New York, 2015

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